Case studies


AVOD platform booms with the help of Backscreen webplay

Norberts Osītis

#Backscreen #webplay ,#OnlineVideoPlatform, #HelioMedia


Nowadays, besides hosting, embedding and streaming of a video using a video platform, online media publishing also includes the creation of short clips from full videos, the configuration of monetization scenarios, including advertisements, adding descriptions alongside video and many more activities. Helio Media planned to create an AVOD website for the TV channel’s long tail content and originally produced titles, with a video content processing and streaming service supporting it to save the cost of processing and publishing of multiple videos. After researching what the market provides, Helio Media concluded that many providers are offering their services targeted at specific functions or industries, but none of them fits the exact needs of Helio Media, and the customisations would be time-consuming, complicated and costly.

The other available option was to purchase several services that together would provide all the necessary features, including video transcoding, editing, subtitling and others. But the business need was to find a service where everything is available in one platform, which is one of the important benefits for customers provided by Backscreen webplay platform with fast and convenient video uploading, management, professional video processing and publishing for content creators and owners.


While looking for potential solutions in the region, Helio Media was advised to use Backscreen webplay, and decided to test the platform. The company realised that with one platform, Helio Media could get everything necessary and there would be no need to create integrations between many different services, which was the main priority. If all required functions – storage, transcoding, publishing – are managed using one platform, it is much more effective and timesaving.

An especially important feature of Backscreen webplay for Helio is the possibility of customisations during the implementation process. For example, it was necessary to adjust the transcoding workflows for specific media file formats. Thanks to the great collaboration with Backscreen team it was resolved with minimum extra effort. When starting to use Backscreen webplay, customers like Helio Media are provided with a guided onboarding, analysis of the additional requirements and recommendations on how the whole workflow should be implemented. On the other hand, the Backscreen team is ready to implement additional features, as most of these are useful for other customers of the platform and are added to the standard feature set. For Helio Media, the ability to process keywords for ad placement was developed in the process of implementation.


The main objective of portal is to offer exclusive video content with Latvian show business stars. Currently all content is managed in the Backscreen webplay platform with all video-related descriptive information, known as metadata, also stored on the platform. As soon as the video is prepared, populated with additional metadata, processed and enabled for publishing, it is automatically published on the website. In addition, the Backscreen webplay video player is customized according to the needs of the brand, which is very important for every business organisation. All these features and functions are available from the Backscreen admin self-service portal. Another important feature is the ability to assign each Helio Media employee a specific role with defined permissions that limits the user to specific tasks and keeps the Backscreen admin interface clean and intuitive, eliminating unnecessary information and features.

During the first few months since the launch, Helio Media experienced a very rapid increase in the number of content views and website visitors, and consequently a substantial increase in ad revenues. The success of such a media service is measured by the engagement of the viewers, where unique entertainment content plays a crucial role together with targeted marketing activities. One of the key success factors is also the superb video quality and viewing experience that Backscreen webplay delivers.

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